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Analogs Vs. Models but can both be right?

By now, those that need a winter outlook for their business have probably been exposed to more than a few thoughts, with the prevailing...

Winter 2021-22 - coldest winter ever!

You're supposed to have a catchy title for any article you write, and there is nothing more catchy, when it comes to weather headlines,...

Spot on forecast from 14 days out!

Unless you're a client of Met-Set, you would probably strongly disagree with this statement for the very strong wind event we have widely...

A win for the seasonal models

I think it's fair to say that the seasonal models have done a remarkable job in predicting the dominant westerly regime that has...

Capturing the Cold Model flip

The first few days of April witnessed a strong cold flip in the models over Germany having previously been solidly warm, in this blog I...

Stratospheric Index

Following on from Yesterday's Blog - on an "Improved way to look at the Stratosphere (SSWs) - from the current version" - it's worth...

Forecast Skill

September/October are months known for their very low forecast skill, often hated by those trying to forecast medium-range weather, every...

New MJO Correlations

The MJO teleconnection is something that is often referred to when predicting the medium range weather outlook. For those not in the...

Are you ready for Winter?

Winter is fast approaching and it is a time of year that often sees Weather playing a very critical role in the energy market. The...

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